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World TB Day

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed on 24th March every year to spread awareness about the disease and how best to combat it. India aims to make the nation TB-free by 2025, whereas the Global Target for TB elimination is 2030. Theme for 2023: Yes! We can end TB!

On occasion of World TB Day Dept of Community Medicine, SMCRI organised sensitisation programme for 1st year MBBS students on 30-03-2023 from 2pm-4pm.As a part of programme Dr Ravi Kumar, Pulmonologist SMCRI and Dr Sanath Kumar, DTO sensitised the students about History, Epidemiology, Problem Statement and New T B Treatment Guidelines.

Dr Paramesh S Director of SMCRI, Dr Shalini M Principal of SMCRI, and Dr Swetha Prof & HOD of Community Medicine department, & all faculty attended the programme.
